Sandy came to NJ and took the power with her. She smote a tree and with it went the transformer. The deafening distinct boom sounded as the windows flashed in an impossibly white light. Taking away with it, all the lights in the house.
No one dares touch the thing. It's just laying there on the street. I remember a liquid or oil of some sort coming from the transformer itself. The tree fell completely over the street, blocking any traffic. This photo is a couple of days after the storm when a crew came and cut the tree into small pieces and neatly placed them on the side of the street. This was the beginning of 9 days without power or heat.
But at least a roof over my head and everyone safe and sound.
The black and white shows the sawdust beautifully, making a sweet finely detailed texture.
I hope you're all recovered from Sandy. She was a real bitch wasn't she?